Logotipo de Gestió Consulting Mallorca. Servicios de asesoría y contabilidad en Mallorca

Legal Notice

In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the company’s identification details are set out below.

Company name:
Gestió Consulting Mallorca, S.L.

Tax identification number:

Registered office:
Avda. Paguera, 14, Puerta 10 07160 Peguera


871 600 036

This website has been created by the company Gestió Consulting Mallorca, S.L. for informative purposes and for the personal use of the users, with the aim of regulating the access and use of this website, as well as the relationship between the website and its users. By accessing this website you accept the following terms and conditions: Access to this website is the sole responsibility of the users.

Simple access to this website does not imply any type of commercial relationship between Gestió Consulting Mallorca, S.L. and the user.

Accessing and browsing this website implies acceptance and knowledge of the legal warnings, conditions and terms of use contained therein.

The owner of the website may offer services or products that may be subject to their own particular conditions which, depending on the case, may substitute, complete and/or modify the present conditions, and about which the user will be informed in each specific case.

Link policy

The website may contain links to other websites with privacy policies that differ from this one. GESTIÓ CONSULTING MALLORCA is not responsible for the content or practices of the linked sites and the user is recommended to read the privacy policy of any website accessed from this one in detail.

Intellectual and industrial property

This website is the property of GESTIÓ CONSULTING MALLORCA, SL.

The name, design and logos that make up this website are duly registered trademarks. Their inappropriate use may be prosecuted in accordance with current legislation.

The intellectual property rights and trademarks of third parties are highlighted and the user must respect them, in any case.

It is forbidden to reproduce, publicly communicate, distribute, assign or transmit, modify or delete the information, content or warnings on the website, except with the prior, express and written authorisation of GESTIÓ CONSULTING MALLORCA, SL.